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Recreational and competitive Ultimate in Regional Victoria

For new players & professionals, Ballarat Disc Sports is the place for all information on upcoming Ultimate events and tournaments in Ballarat.

About Ballarat Ultimate

Ballarat Ultimate Frisbee was established in 2011. It was the first regional club developed in Victoria, with local players competing in recreational and competitive games across Australia and internationally. The club runs both indoor and outdoor Ultimate Frisbee events and also has pathways to play regionals, nationals and representative.

The club competes in both open men’s, women’s and mixed divisions each year with the aim to bring in new players and support the development of current players.

Want to play?

Each Tuesday Ballarat Ultimate runs a fun mixed gender league open for all experience levels from school age to older. These leagues run every school term with both indoor and outdoor leagues to suit the weather. Ultimate frisbee league is on every Tuesday night from 6.30. Check out our events page for more information.

About Ballarat Ultimate

Ballarat Ultimate Frisbee was established in 2011. It was the first regional club developed in Victoria, with local players competing in recreational and competitive games across Australia and internationally. The club runs both indoor and outdoor Ultimate Frisbee events and also has pathways to play regionals, nationals and representative.

The club competes in both open men’s, women’s and mixed divisions each year with the aim to bring in new players and support the development of current players.

Want to play?

Each Tuesday Ballarat Ultimate runs a fun mixed gender league open for all experience levels from school age to older. These leagues run every school term with both indoor and outdoor leagues to suit the weather. Ultimate frisbee league is on every Tuesday night from 6.30. Check out our events page for more information.

About Ultimate

Ultimate is a non-contact sport played with a disc (frisbee). The sport is played against two teams.of seven on a field with two endzones.

The object of the game is to pass the flying disc up the field between your teammates to a player in the endzone who, when catches it scores a point. Players cannot run with the disc and must rely on passing to score. The defensive team tries to intercept the disc for a turnover where they will then be able to try and score a point in their endzone. The first team to 15 or the team with the most points at time cap is the winner.

Indoor Ultimate Frisbee has slightly different rules, with teams of 5, no score cap and shorter games. This style is played on a netball court using the D or key as the endzone.

Ultimate is a unique sport in which it is self-umpired and therefore, the sport relies on the ‘Spirit of the Game’. The spirit is the responsibility of each player to be responsible and fair on any violations that occur. At tournaments, the Spirit of the Game is awarded along with the winning team.

Ultimate is recognised by the Australian Sports Commission and International Olympic Committee.

For more information about Ultimate and how it is played, visit

Become a Ballarat Ultimate Member today!

With more perks than ever before, now is the best time to become a Ballarat Ultimate member! Enjoy perks such as cheaper social league games, tournament discounts, discounts on merch, and much more!

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Ballarat Ultimate Membership perks inlcude:

  • $2 OFF Every Ultimate League Game 
  • 1 x BU Membership Bag tag
  • Tournament Player Fee discount
  • Disc-counts on Club Merch
  • 10% Discount at GUF Ballarat (Disc Golf equipment only).
  • Receive some great discounts across the year AND support the club with this new and improved BU Membership!

Become a Ballarat Ultimate Member
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